Welcome to Harper County 4-H
2023-2024 Harper County 4-H Deadline & Event Dates
4-H Youth Development programs are open to all youth who are residents of Kansas and between the ages of 7 and 18. Youth who turn 7 before January 1 of the current 4-H year may enroll. Youth who turn 19 before January 1 of the current 4-H year are ineligible to enroll. Youth ages 5-6 by January 1 can also enroll as a Cloverbud, which is a non-competitive 4-H member.
The four H's represent:
Head - Critical thinking, problem solving.
Heart - Self discipline, integrity, communication.
Hands - Serving others.
Health - Choosing healthy lifestyles.
Enrollment for Harper County 4-H is open October 1- December 1st every year for recurring 4-H members and May 1st is the deadline for new members.
Whether you are a current memb
er or a brand new one, you have to enroll online at: http://ks.4honline.com. Please enroll as soon as possible so that you will be better informed of all 4-H activities. More information on "How to Join".
Harper County Extension Board 4-H Guidelines
As a general rule, 4-H membership should be within the county where the 4-H'er is a resident. If the prospective member is from a different county, the Harper County Extension Board is required to approve their admittance to the Harper County 4-H Program as well as get approval from the other county.
Situations in which exceptions to this general policy may be considered include:
1. If the 4-H'er goes to school in a county other than the county of residence, the 4-Her has the choice of joining 4-H in the county of residence or in the county where he/she goes to school.
2. If a Harper County 4-H Club's official meeting place is within the school district of an out-of-county school, students of that school may join the Harper County club.
3. If a program or project in which the 4-H'er is interested in is NOT available in the county of residence or in the county where the 4-H'er goes to school, the 4-H'er may enroll in that project or program in another county.