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Harper County

Welcome to Harper County 4-H



4-H Youth Development programs are open to all youth who are residents of Kansas and between the ages of 7 and 18. Youth who turn 7 before January 1 of the current 4-H year may enroll. Youth who turn 19 before January 1 of the current 4-H year are ineligible to enroll. Youth ages 5-6 by January 1 can also enroll as a Cloverbud, which is a non-competitive 4-H member.

The four H's represent:

Head - Critical thinking, problem solving.

Heart - Self discipline, integrity, communication.

Hands - Serving others.

Health - Choosing healthy lifestyles.


*New* Enrollment for Harper County 4-H is open October 1- January 1st every year for recurring 4-H members and new members.

The new enrollment dates for returning and new members is January 1st to be able to participate in the Harper County Fair as a Harper County 4-H member. Those enrolled have until May 1st to add or remove projects for fair participation. 

There will be a grievance committee process to present to the extension board for special or extenuating circumstances. This must be submitted by January 15th. 

Whether you are a current member or a brand new one, you have to enroll online at: http://ks.4honline.com. Please enroll as soon as possible so that you will be better informed of all 4-H activities. More information on "How to Join".

Harper County Extension Board 4-H Guidelines

As a general rule, 4-H membership should be within the county where the 4-H'er is a resident. If the prospective member is from a different county, the Harper County Extension Board is required to approve their admittance to the Harper County 4-H Program as well as get approval from the other county.

Out of county 4-H'ers must submit a letter requesting to join Harper County 4-H to the extension office by November 1st. This request will be taken to both counties for approval. If approval is given there is sufficient time to enroll by the January 1st deadline. 

Situations in which exceptions to this general policy may be considered include:

1. If the 4-H'er goes to school in a county other than the county of residence, the 4-Her has the choice of joining 4-H in the county of residence or in the county where he/she goes to school.

2. If a Harper County 4-H Club's official meeting place is within the school district of an out-of-county school, students of that school may join the Harper County club.

3. If a program or project in which the 4-H'er is interested in is NOT available in the county of residence or in the county where the 4-H'er goes to school, the 4-H'er may enroll in that project or program in another county.

What's New??

  • Find the NEW Project Report Forms (replacement for KAP) at the 4-H Record Book Publications tab on the left!                                                                                          
  • NEW Officer Training Videos located under Club Resources on the left or here.