VIP - Volunteer Information Process - Name for process as a whole.
4-H Enrollment and/or Volunteer Screening Process (VSP) Steps:
Due to the State 4-H Youth Development recently making changes to the policies and procedures for the VIP (Volunteer Information Process), the volunteer information is all incorporated in the enrollment process. So, you can complete both processes in one simple task. These steps are primarily for the Volunteer Information Process (VIP).
Enroll or Re-enroll in the 4-H Online Enrollment System (won’t be available until October 1st each year). This can be found at: https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in. Please note that you must enroll in 4-H Online and setup your profile if you are a volunteer regardless if you are associated with a Club or not. Once your profile is setup, you just need to update it, in October, each year going forward.
The State 4-H Youth Development office has also incorporated continuing education opportunities via Volunteer Trainings. A person can completed a training any time throughout the year: https://www.kansas4-h.org/volunteers/volunteer-continuing-education/index.html. The trainings can be done in lieu of Orientation Training for re-screenings only. First-time volunteers must complete the Orientation Training the first time. But can choose to complete as many Volunteer Trainings as they’d like going forward.
Each time you update your profile, you will automatically be renewed. This happens for three years in between re-screenings.
For re-screenings, you will update your profile like usual, but you will also have to complete the Orientation segment. The Kansas 4-H Volunteer Orientation Training is handled the same way as it has in the past. Once you’re logged in to your profile, click on the 'Training' tab toward the top of the page. Go through the videos and quizzes in order. You will have 9 modules to complete. (Hint: Once you've completed a video, you have to close the page and go back to the 'Training' tab to select the quiz. Continue the same way at the end of each module.)
We will submit the National Criminal Background Check (CBC) for you, as long as you have completed it in the past and already have an account setup. Your information is all kept confidential. We submit your name to the State office and they will have it run through Validity again. When they receive the results, they will post them in your 4-H Online account.
First-Time Volunteers
1. For first-time volunteers, you will need to setup your profile through 4-H Online
(https://v2.4honline.com) as if you are enrolling in 4-H. If you are already a parent
of a 4-H member or a 4-H member, please use the same login information you have
been using for your family profile when enrolling in 4-H.
2. Next, you will complete the Kansas 4-H Volunteer Orientation Training as mentioned above. When you
created your profile, you were in the 'Enrollment’ tab. Click on the 'Training' tab toward the top of the
page. Go through the videos and quizzes in order. You will have 9 components to complete.
(Hint: Once you've completed a video, you have to close the page and go back to the 'Training' tab to select
the quiz. Continue the same way at the end of each module.)
3. Next, you will need to complete the National Criminal Background Check (CBC) –
Link is http://tinyurl.com/cbc-Kansas4H. Below are a few tips on the procedure.
a. The online form will start with selecting your local county which is Harper County.
b. You will be asked to create a profile.
c. You should immediately receive a confirmation e-mail with your temporary password. If you did
not receive this confirmation e-mail, please check your Spam/Junk folder.
d. Once you receive the temporary password and login, the next page will be an “application” asking
for contact information.
e. There will then be several pages of statements and disclosures, some of which will require you to
check a box at the end of the page.
f. At the end you will be asked for your Birthdate and Social Security Number and to grant permission
for the background check by electronically signing the form. The check cannot be run without this
information and signature.
g. Upon completion of the application, an e-mail will be sent to the address you provided, confirming
creation of your profile.
h. Troubleshooting questions can be directed to Validity Client Relations at 913-322-5999.
4. Last, call the office to schedule your agent interview. Once you’ve completed the 10-15 minute interview
in-person (preferably) or by phone call, you are finished with the process. The rest is handled by Extension
Office staff.
Other Resources
When 4-H Volunteers enroll through 4HOnline, the process will take the place of what once was the volunteer application and then re-enrollment forms. Once volunteers enter their information in the system, they will simply have to re-enroll each year the same way youth currently do through 4HOnline. For a step by step tutorial, please visit the 4HOnline Resources page and view the New Adult Volunteer Enrollment or Returning Adult Volunteer Reenrolllment.