Welcome to Harper County 4-H

2024-2025 Harper County 4-H Deadline & Event Dates

What is Harper County 4-H?

Harper County 4-H is open to all youth ages 5-18 (before Jan 1 of the current year) and adult volunteers of all ages working together. 4-H is an organization for youth to learn more about their community (Citizenship); be a role model and teach others (Leadership); and explore interest areas that will offer ongoing learning (Life Skills). 4-H organizes for the new year each October 1. Youth may join throughout the year, but must join by January 1 in order to participate in the Harper County 4-H Fair. Clubs meet monthly to work on projects, teach parliamentary procedures, or carry out community service projects.


Learn more about how to enroll in Harper County 4-H!
There are currently five 4-H Clubs in Harper County!

Harper County Extension Board 4-H Guidelines

As a general rule, 4-H membership should be within the county where the 4-H'er is a resident. If the prospective member is from a different county, the Harper County Extension Board is required to approve their admittance to the Harper County 4-H Program as well as get approval from the other county. If you are an out of county resident wishing to join our 4-H Program please contact the extension office for more information.