Harper County 4-H Club Day
March 2, 2024
Location: TBD
Please use the following link to sign up for 4-H Day. Fill out a separate form for each family member participating. Registration is due by the 1st at 5 p.m.
We will send out the schedule once we receive all of the registrations. This is a show-and-go event.
What Can I do at 4-H Day?
PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS: Project Talks, Illustrated Talks & Demonstrations & Public Speaking
PARLIMENTARY PROCEDURE: Model Meeting, Gavel Games
MUSIC: Chorus, Vocal Ensemble, Vocal Solo, Orchestra Band, Instrumental Ensemble, Instrumental Solo, Piano solo or duet
TALENT: 1 Act Play, Skit, Creative Dramatics, Dance, and other Talent
For more information, go to the 4-H Day Description Guide on the far right